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Stephen Allwright

South African 1969- 

Self-taught artist Stephen Allwright has been practising since 1998. He lives and works in Barrydale – a small town on the border of the Overberg and the Klein Karoo. Allwright graduated with a Bachelor of Social Science in Economics and Politics and an Honours in Economics from the University of Cape Town. After attaining his degrees, he left Cape Town for Die Hel (Gamkaskloof), a remote and secluded valley settlement in the heart of the Swartberg Mountains. He stayed here for two years, during which time he was free to create and explore in relative isolation. Allwright primarily works in ink and watercolour to produce figural and playful scenes that are often an alternative take on self-portraiture.

Allwright held solo shows at SMITH in Cape Town in 2017, 2018, and 2020. He also participated in group shows at SMITH and in the 2015 Broken English exhibition at Tyburn Gallery in London alongside Mohau Modisakeng, Athi-Patra Ruga, and others.

We have not offered any works by Stephen Allwright at auction

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