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Takashi Murakami

Japanese/American 1963- 

Born and raised in Tokyo, Japan, Takashi Murakami is renowned for his art, which blurs the boundaries between high and low art. Following the Superflat concept, Murakami’s practice involves recontextualising elements of subcultural art and introducing them to the high-art market. His work draws inspiration from Japanese artistic traditions, cartoons, and comics. Murakami graduated from the Tokyo University of Arts in 1988, majoring in Nihonga. He was a recipient of the Asian Cultural Council scholarship, which exposed him to the work of Jeff Koons and ultimately led him to establish the Hiropon Factory, now known as Kai Kai Kiki Co, Ltd. Murakami has collaborated with numerous celebrity icons and luxury brands, including Marc Jacobs, Louis Vuitton, and Issey Miyake. His first retrospective exhibition was hosted by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, and he has also exhibited his work at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and the Museum für Moderne Kunst.

We have not offered any works by Takashi Murakami at auction

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