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Terry Frost

British 1915-2003 

Sir Terry Frost was an English painter best known for his geometric abstractions. Born on October 13, 1915, in Leamington Spa, United Kingdom, he served in World War II where he was captured by the Nazi’s as a prisoner of war. Once the war concluded, he attended the Birmingham College of Art, then the Camberwell School of Art and finally he attended the St. Ives School of Painting in 1946.

He created his first abstract work in 1949 under the instruction of Ben Nicholson and William Coldstream. He exhibited for many years and went on to teach at various prestigious institutions, becoming known for his use of overlapping half-circles, rectangles, and squares of bright colors, which reflected his enthusiasm for perceptual phenomena. Frost died on September 1, 2003 in Hayle, United Kingdom. Today, the artist’s works are in the collections of the Tate Gallery in London, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, and the National Galleries of Scotland in Edinburgh.

We have not offered any works by Terry Frost at auction

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