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Thebe Phetogo

Botswana 1993- 

Thebe Phetogo was born in 1993 in Serowe, Botswana and obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Fine Art and a Masters in Fine Art in 2017 and 2019 respectively from the Michaelis School of Fine Art in Cape Town, South Africa.
Phetogo has participated in several exhibitions in Botswana and South Africa including the 2016 Thapong Artist of the Year exhibition in Gaborone and 2016 ABSA L’Atelier Top 100 exhibition in Johannesburg and both editions of The Botswana Pavilion, ‘No Return’ at Gallery Momo Cape Town and ‘Subjective Nationhood’ at the Botswana National Museum and Gallery in 2019, and Fresh Voices at Guns & Rain in 2020.
Phetogo was a 2019 Cassirer Welz Award finalist. He participated in the Arthouse Foundation artist residency in Lagos, Nigeria in early 2020.

We have not offered any works by Thebe Phetogo at auction

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