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Themba Khumalo

South African 1987- 

Themba Benedict Khumalo was born on the 16 February 1987 in Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa. Khumalo graduated from Artist Proof Studio in printmaking, where he obtained a Design Foundation Certificate. He went on to do a professional printmaking development course under the sponsorship of Pinpoint One, at Artist Proof Studio in 2009 where he was an intern in the silkscreen unit and special project team. Khumalo is interested in exploring different mediums, such as charcoal drawings and painting. Kumalo did a 4 months residency at Kunstlerhaus Meinersen in2018 and a SAFFCA residency of two and a half months (Southern African Foundation for Contemporary Art) in Saint Emilion, France in 2016. Kumalo was finalist at the 2017 Chelsea International Fine Art Competition.

We have not offered any works by Themba Khumalo at auction

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