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Thierry Oussou

Beninese 1988- 

Thierry Oussou is a self-taught artist who works with drawing, painting, video, installation, and performance. His idiosyncratic practice borrows from archaeological methods and explores the relationship between contemporary art and ethnographic objects. In 2011, Oussou founded Atelier Ye in Benin as an informal art school where artists could assemble and exchange ideas. His practice caught the attention of artists Meschac Gaba and Barthélémy Toguo, who he subsequently assisted. Born in Benin, Oussou now lives and works in Amsterdam, where he studied art at the Rijksakademie from 2015 to 2016.

Oussou favours paper over canvas as his primary medium. Gestural mark-making and neo-expressionist figuration is typical of his black-paper drawings. Oussou’s earliest drawings were small works inspired by the slates used by schoolchildren, but in 2014 he started to experiment with larger works, which are now his standard practice.

(Adapted from text by Sean O’Toole)

4 lots offered      25.00% sold      ZAR 152 425

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Thierry Oussou; Gymnastic
19 Feb 2024
Starting at ZAR 120 000
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