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Titta Fasciotti

South African 1927-1993 

Titta Fasciotti was born in Bergamo, Italy in 1927 into a family of artists. He attended the Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti di Bergamo from 1944 to 1948. After completing his studies, Fasciotti immigrated to South Africa to join his father, Gino, who had been held in the country as an Italian prisoner of war. Between 1952 and 1955, he was mentored by the artist WG Wiles. Fasciotti painted landscapes, seascapes, and figural studies, with a particular focus on Xhosa women. Throughout his career, he held 31 solo exhibitions, with his first one taking place in Johannesburg in 1963.

249 lots offered      65.46% sold      ZAR 3 323 227

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Titta Fasciotti; Landscape
13 Feb 2023
Starting at ZAR 6 000
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