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Toni-Ann Ballenden

South African 1951- 

Toni-Ann grew up surrounded by creativity. Her mother, Audrey Beerman was an artist. T-A did her matric at the Art Ballet and Music school in Johannesburg. Married at 19yrs 3 children, Toni-Ann went to the Art Foundation with Bill Ainsley to Later became a competent Potter teaching adults and children. Wits Tech 1987 until 1993, passed Cum Laude. National Higher Diploma. In her final year T-A won 1st prize Thami Mnyele fine Arts Awards, 10 solo exhibitions.

“My work reflects important moments in my life. My history in art is figurative. Lacking in confidence many works were destroyed. Bag Factory 2015 instead of destroying work “destroy” became a process of deconstructing and reconstructing unresolved work which has evolved into the abstract work l produce today.”

We have not offered any works by Toni-Ann Ballenden at auction

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