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Tracy Payne

South African 1965- 

Tracy Payne graduated from the Michaelis School of Fine Art at the University of Cape Town in 1987. She has travelled widely, including residencies in Berlin, Barcelona, New York, Tokyo and Dharamkot over the course of 25 years. She lives and works in Cape Town, South Africa.

Payne describes her art making as “very much a personal journey and in many senses autobiographical. My paintings exist as a visual diary, mapping the journey I have taken from birth into adulthood, drawing from past memories, present experiences and future aspirations. Eastern spirituality and the dual nature of our selves is a consistent thread running through my work. In its broadest sense, I am exploring the interrelationship of the feminine and masculine principals within the self and the universe”.

She has exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions in South Africa and overseas, including Sacred Yang, 2007, and Sacred Yin, 2005 at Stevenson, and Merdelamerdelamer, 2019, curated by Kendell Geers at the Mario Mauroner Gallery, Vienna. Payne’s work is represented in many private and public collections including the Hans Porer Collection, Switzerland, the Luciano Benetton Collection, Italy, and the Spier Art Collection in Cape Town, South Africa.


Image by Natalie Payne

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