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Wolfgang Tillmans

German 1968- 

Wolfgang Tillmans, born in Remscheid, Germany, in 1968, is a celebrated photographer renowned for his innovative approach. Tillmans began experimenting with photography in 1987 and went on to study at Bournemouth and Poole College of Art and Design in the UK from 1990 to 1992. He gained prominence through his captivating documentation of London and New York’s club scenes, especially within the queer community. Known for his unconventional presentation—large-scale prints, installations, and non-traditional materials—Tillmans often blends elements of painting and sculpture, challenging traditional photographic norms.

In 2000, Tillmans made history as the first photographer and non-British artist to win the Turner Prize. His work, marked by intimacy, social consciousness, and experimental techniques, continues to push photography's boundaries. He is also a vocal advocate for political and social issues, including LGBTQ+ rights and environmental concerns, themes that deeply inform his work.

Career highlights include a visiting professorship at Hochschule für bildende Künste in Hamburg (1998-1999), a professorship at Städelschule in Frankfurt (2003-2009), and running the nonprofit exhibition space "Between Bridges" in London and Berlin (2006-present). He is a member of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin (2012) and the Royal Academy of Arts in London (2013). Tillmans has received several accolades, including the Hasselblad Foundation International Award (2015) and the Kaiserring (2018).

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