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Yolanda Mazwana

South African 1996- 

Yolanda Mazwana is a self-taught visual artist based in Johannesburg, currently specializing in painting. Her work is centred around mental illness, popular culture, phobias, relationships and storytelling and her style being described as an amalgamation of abstract expressionism, neo-expressionism and symbolism. She currently lives and works in Johannesburg.
Mazwana’s recent solo exhibition Symptoms of Nothing at Kalashnikovv Gallery (2019) explored experiences, scenarios, thoughts, panic attacks and environments that were re-imagined into characters that represent the questions of a possible hypochondriac. Following her previous solo exhibition Secret Homegirls at Daville Baillie Gallery (2019), Mazwana delved further into the observation of the agoraphobic secret home girls. As a body of work Symptoms of Nothing is a combination of textures and colours that define the intensity expressed of a hypochondriac. These compositions determine what it means to not know what you are going through or why you are going through it.

We have not offered any works by Yolanda Mazwana at auction

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