Single owner private wine collection
Timed Online Auction, 3 - 11 April 2023
Single owner private wine collection
About the SessionThe wines have been sourced from a private collector, whose wines have been stored in an immaculate custom-built cellar. The collection showcases the best of the wine-making world and offers a range of options to suit any palate.
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
About this Item
Domaine Jean Fery & Fils is a family-owned winery located in the village of Echevronne in the Cote de Beaune region of Burgundy, France. The estate is run by the Fery family, who have been involved in winemaking for several generations. The vineyards of Domaine Jean Fery & Fils are located in some of the finest terroirs in the region and are planted with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes.
LE DOMAINE JEAN FÉRY & FILS, operates sites of vineyards in many villages in Burgundy: a veritable mosaic of 'climates' over a total area of ??14 hectares.
Private Client