Important South African and International Art and Books
Live Auction, 11 June 2012

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Pretoria: Phoenix, 1971, 4to, card portfolio numbered 222 and containing 10 loose illustrations and reprint of article by Skawran, Karin, 'Die Grafiese Kuns van H.A. Aschenborn', Lantern, December 1965, pp. 58-67, owner bookplate on inside cover with dedication by author Karin Skawran in ink, cover rubbed; and reprint article by K.M. Skawran, Hans Anton Aschenborn, Mens en Kunstenaar,Historia 10(1)1965, pp. 50-70; and Die Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë se Pierneefskilderye,Johannesburg: South African Railways, 1978, illustrations, landscape, ring-bound paperback, cover stained and marked, owner bookplate on inside cover