JH Pierneef: En Route
Live Virtual Auction, 12 July 2022
JH Pierneef: En Route
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
About this Item
1. NJ Coetzee, JH Pierneef 1886-1957: The Station Panels, TRANSNET Foundation, 2010, catalogue that accompanied the exhibition, JH Pierneef – The Johannesburg Station Panels: Long term loan from TRANSNET Foundation Curated by Roy George and Deon Herselman, soft cover.
2. Alrika Hefers (ed), JH Pierneef, The Station Panels, TRANSNET Kunsversameling, soft cover.
3. Pretoria Art Museum, The Johannesburg station panels by JH Pierneef, Pretoria: Pretoria Art Museum, no date, soft cover.
4. Pretoria Art Museum, JH Pierneef: Pretorian, Transvaler, South African, Pretoria: Federated Insurance Group, 1986, catalogue that accompanied the exhibition, JH Pierneef: Pretorian, Transvaler, South African, soft cover.
5. Museum Memo, August 1986, Volume 14, Number 3.
6. Ons Kuns, Pretoria: Lantern, no date, paperback (bound with ribbon through three punched holes).
7. Aandenkinsbrosjure oor skilderye. Pierneef, Johannsburg: Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë, 1978, ring-bound softcover.
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