Contemporary Art
Live Auction, 16 February 2019
Contemporary Auction
About this Item
Rodan Kane-Hart principally works as a sculptor. Using photography and drawing, he records visual patterns in the urban fabric of Johannesburg and Cape Town, which he later translates in his studio into small-scale models and/or larger sculptural forms for exhibition. Hart’s method as a sculptor is essentially iterative: new works will often recycle ideas and forms from earlier works, creating a tight loop of influence. This work originates from his final undergraduate year at the Michaelis School of Fine Art in 2011 and is a companion to his steelframed outdoor installation, Pavilion Dedicated to Context (2011). At the time Hart was interested in urban spatial perception. He conceived this lot, a set of freestanding sculptures based on sections and distortions of the Cartesian city grid, as a means to ‘activate and demarcate space’. The desired outcome is that the viewer will become ‘more aware of themselves in relation to the space around them’.1
Sean O’Toole
- Rodan Kane-Hart. (2012) First Steel Pavilion: Roofs, self-published exhibition foldout. Unpaginated.
Michaelis School of Fine Art, Cape Town, A Mid-Year Reflection, 6 June 2011.
Rodan Kane-Hart. (2012) First Steel Pavilion: Roofs, self-published exhibition foldout. Illustrated in black and white.
Rodan Kane-Hart. (2017) At Work, Cape Town: Bad Paper. Illustrated in colour on page 90.