Harcroft House Sale

Live Auction, 18 November 2019

Session One

Lot Estimate
ZAR 800 - 1 200

About this Item

Hyde, HM
Cases That Changed the Law

William Heineman, London, 1951

and various books of similar interest including Dictionaries, Medical, Law, Finance, Philosophy and Religion.


Pears Cyclopepaedia, A & F Pears Ltd, London, 1946.

Cassell’s French-English English-French School Dictionary, Cassell and Co Ltd, London, 1955.

Brooks, K. G; Cook, H. F, Modern French for Adults, Part I, J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd, London, 1941.

Brooks, K. G; Cook, H. F, Modern French for Adults, Part II, J. M. Dent and Sons, Ltd, London, 1941.

Pillai, V. V, A Tamil and English Dictionary, Madras, 1929.

Bertenshaw, T. H, Longmans’ French Course, Longmans, Green and Co Ltd, London, 1957.

Wilkinson, R. J, Malay-English Dictionary, MacMillan & Co Ltd, London, 1946.

Pitman’s Business Terms, Phrases and Abbreviations, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, London

Collins English Gem Dictionary, Collins, London, 1966.

The Little Oxford Dictionary, Oxford, London, 1930.

Moon, G. W, The Dean’s English, Hatchard & Co, London, 1868.

Lempriere, J, A Classical Dictionary, London, 1815.

Flesch, R, The Book of Unusual Quotations, Cassell and Co Ltd, London, 1968.

Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, W & R Chambers, London, 1972.

Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, W & R Chambers, London, 1949.

Ogilvie, J, The Student’s English Dictionary, Blackie & Son Ltd, London, 1896.

West, A. S, The Revised English Grammar, Cambridge University Press, 1930.

The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Oxford, London, 1944.

Oxford South African Illustrated School Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Cape Town, 2008.

Nuttall's Standard Dictionary of the English Language, Frederick Warne & Co Ltd, London, 1929.

Ouspensky, P. D, Tertium Organum, Kegan Paul, Trench Trubner & Co Ltd, London, 1937.

Kierkegaard, Concluding Unscientific Postscript, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1944.

Keyserling, Count H, The Art of Life, Selwyn & Blount, London, 1937.

Bragdon, C, Four-Dimensional Vistas, George Routledge and Sons Ltd, London, 1930.

Hyde, H. M, Cases That Changed the Law, William Heineman Ltd, London, 1951.

Percival, H, Moore's Practical Forms of Agreements, William Clowes and Sons Ltd, London, 1896.

Anderson, A. M.; Dodd, A., Roos, M. C, Everyone’s Guide to South African Law, Zebra Press, Cape Town, 2003

Knight, J. R, The Stock Exchange official Year-Book 1976-77, Thomas Skinner & Co Ltd, Croydon, 1976.

Shrand, D, What Every Taxpayer Should Know About Income Tax, Cape Town, Legal & Financial Publishing Co Ltd, 1956.

Earnshaw, J. P, Voluntary Liquidation and Reconstruction Under the Companies Acts; 1908 to 1917, Jordan & Sons, Limited, London, 1921.

Armstrong, F. E, The Book of the Stock Exchange, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, London, 1934.

Gore-Browne, F, Handbook on the Formation, Management and Winding Up of Joint Stock Companies, Jordan & Sons Ltd, London, 1919.

Skirving Wareham, W, Register of Defunct and other Companies; Removed from the Stock Exchange Official Year Book, Thomas Skinner & Co Ltd, Croydon, 1971.

Baring Securities: Hong Kong Quarterly Stock Market Review, April 1990

Manson-Bahr, P. H, Manson’s Topical Diseases, Cassell and Co Ltd, London, 1940.

Conybeare, J. J, Textbook of Medicine, E. & S. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1939.

Textbook of Medical Treatment, E. & S. Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1940.

Rogers, L; Muir, E, Leprosy, John Wright & Sons Ltd, London, 1940.

Chamberlain, E. N, Symptoms and Signs in Clinical Medicine, John Wright & Sons Ltd, London, 1938.

Sava, G, A Surgeon Remembers, Faber and Faber Ltd, London, 1953.

Rycroft, P. V, Corneo-Plastic Surgery, Pergamon Press, London, 1969.

Wolfe, W. B, How to be Happy Though Human, George Routledge & Sons Ltd, London, 1935.

Hart, Rev. C. H, The Student’s Catholic Doctrine, Burns Oates & Washbourne Ltd, London, 1953.

Morrisson, G. H, The Ever Open Door, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1929.

Regardie, I, The Golden Dawn, The Aries Press, Chicago, 1938.

Regardie, I, The Golden Dawn, The Aries Press, Chicago, 1937.

Paterson Smyth, J, A People's Life of Christ, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1921.

Barnes, E. W, Should Such Faith Offend?, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1928.

Clark, J. T, Stepping-Stones, Greentree Press Inc, New York, 1941.

Kelman, J, The Holy Land, Adam & Charles Black, London, 1912.

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