Harcroft House Sale

Live Auction, 18 November 2019

Session One

Sold for

ZAR 1 994
Lot 142

Lot Estimate
ZAR 1 800 - 2 200
Selling Price
Incl. Buyer's Premium & VAT
ZAR 1 994

About this Item

Cooper, D
The Second World War

Jonathan Cape, London, 1939

and various books of similar interest


Gunther, J, Inside Asia, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1939.

Abend, H, Japan Unmasked, The Bodley Head, London 1941.

Putnam Weale, B. L, The Vanished Empire, MacMillan & Co Ltd, London, 1926.

Fleming, P, The Seige at Peking, Rupert Hart-Davis, London, 1959.

Coast, J, Railroad of Death, The Hyprion Press, London, 1946.

Hulme, C, Dawn Behind the Tamarisks, Prentice Anderson, London, 1950.

Barber, N, Sinister Twilight, The Fall and Rise Again of Singapore, Collins, London, 1968.

Barber, N, The War of the Running Dogs, The Malayan Emergency, 1948-1860, Collins, London, 1971.

Barber, N, The War of the Running Dogs, The Malayan Emergency, 1948-1860, Collins, London, 1971.

Barber, N, The War of the Running Dogs, The Malayan Emergency, 1948-1860, Collins, London, 1971.

Chin Kee Onn, Malaya Upside Down, Jitts & Co Ltd, 1946.

Woodville Harrison, C, An Illustrated Guide to the Federated Malay States, The Malay States Information Agency, London, 1923.

Welsh, F, A History of Hong Kong, Harper Collins Publishers, London, 1993.

Abend, H, Ramparts of the Pacific, The Bodley Head, London, 1942.

Elwin, V, Leaves from the Jungle, John Murray, London, 1936.

Purcell, V, The Chinese in South East Asia, Oxford Universiy Press, London, 1951.

Waldron, T. J., Gleeson, J, The Frogmen, Evans Brothers Ltd, London, 1950.

van Rintelen, Captain, The Dark Invader, Lovat Dickson Ltd, London, 1933.

Deighton, L, BOMBER, Jonathan Cape, London, 1970.

Clostermann, P, The Big Show, Chatto and Windus, London, 1951.

Colvin, I, Chief of Intelligence, Victor, Gollanncz Ltd, London, 1951.

Colvin, I, Chief of Intelligence, Victor, Gollanncz Ltd, London, 1951.

Schwarzschild, L, World in Trance, Hamish Hamilton, London,1943.

Graves, R.; Hodge, A, The Long Weekend, Faber and Faber Ltd, London

Gram Swing, R, How War Came, Nicholson and Watson, London, 1940.

Blumenfeld, R. D, All in a Lifetime, Ernest Benn Ltd, London, 1931.

Viereck, G. S, Spreading Germs of Hate, Duckworth, London, 1931.

Lips, E, What Hitler Did to Us, Michael Joseph Ltd, London, 1938.

Cooper, D, The Second World War, Jonathan Cape, London, 1939.

Reed, D, A Prophet at Home, Jonathan Cape, London, 1941.

Raymond, E, Tell England, Cassell and Co, London, 1922.

Maurois, A, The Battle of France, The Bodley Head, London, 1940.

Gibbs, P, The Cross of Peace, Hutchinson & Co Ltd, London

Secrets and Stories of the War, The Reader's Digest Association Ltd, London, 1963.

Henrey, R, The Siege of London, J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd, London, 1946.

Bryant, A, The Years of Endurance, Collins, London, 1942.

Ruark, R, Something of Value, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1955

Lippmann, W, U.S. Foreign Policy, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1943.

Krey, L, and Tell of Time, Collins, London, 1938.

Lord Vansittart, Bones of Contention, Hutchinson & Co Ltd, London

Bedford, W. K. R.; Holbeche, R, The Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, F. E. Robinson and Co, London, 1902.

Kravchenko, V, I Chose Justice, Robert Hale Ltd, London, 1951.

Stark, P, The Valleys of the Assassins, John Murray, London, 1934.

Hermman, L, A History of the Jews in South Africa, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1930.

Kastein, J, History and Destiny of Jews, Garden City Publishing Co, New York, 1936.

Morton, H. V, The Call of England, Metheun & Co Ltd, London, 1928.

Rowse, A. L, The English Spirit, MacMillan & Co Ltd, London, 1945.

O'Donnell, E, Ghosts of London, Phillip Allan and Co, London, 1932.

Farquhar, F, Up and Down California in 1860-1864 - The Journal of William H. Brewer, Oxford University Press, 1930.

Gibbs, P, Behind the Curtain, Hutchinson & Co Ltd, London

Lyons, E, Stalin, Czar of The Russias, George G. Harrap & Company Ltd, London

Trotski, L, Stalin, An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence, Hollins and Carter Ltd, London, 1947.

Loti, P, Egypt, T. Werner Laurie Ltd, London

Erman, A, Life in Ancient Egypt, MacMillan and Co, London, 1894.

Collier, J; Lang, I, Just the Other Day, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1932.

Newman, B, Danger Spots of Europe, Robert Hale Ltd, London, 1938.

Belgium: The Official Account of What Happened, 1939-1940, Evans Brothers Ltd, London

Williams, E, The Wooden Horse, Collins, London, 1949.

Harding, B, Golden Fleece, George G.  Harrap & Co Ltd, London, 1938.

Lunn, A, Whither Europe, Hutchinson & Co, London, 1940.

Czernin, Count F, Europe, Going, Going, Going Gone!, Peter Davies, London, 1939.

Burrell Smith, G, Outlines of European History 1789-1914, Edward Arnold & Co, London

Gunther, J, Inside Europe, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1936.

Birdsall, P, Versailles Twenty Years After, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1941.

Reeves, M, Behind the Peacock Throne, Sidgwick and Jackson Ltd, London, 1986.

The War’s Best Photographs, Odhams Press Limited, London

The Best Twenty-One Years, The Reader's Digest Association Ltd, London

Hatry, C. C, Light out of Darkness, Rich and Cowan Ltd, London

Tomlinson, H. M, Under the Red Ensign, Williams & Norgate Ltd, London, 1926.

Guedalla, P, The Hundredth Year, Thornton Butterworth Ltd, London, 1939.

Guedalla, P, The Hundred Years, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1936.

Speeches by the Earl of Oxford and Asquith, K. G., Hutchinson & Co Ltd, London

Townsend, P, The Last Emperor, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London

King, Colonel E. J, The Knights of St John in the British Empire, St John's Gate, London, 1934.

Wells, H. G, The Shape of Things to Come, Hutchinson & Co, London, 1933.

Gibbs, P, Since Then, William Heinemann Ltd, London, 1930.

de Coucy, K, Review of World Affairs, Vol. I, The Imperial Policy Group, London

de Coucy, K, Review of World Affairs, Vol. II, The Imperial Policy Group, London

de Coucy, K, Review of World Affairs, Vol. IV, Kenneth de Courcy, London, 1943.

Bullitt, W. C, The Great Globe Itself, MacMillan & Co Ltd, London, 1947.

Shankland, P; Hunter, A, Dardanelles Patrol, London, 1964.

Eardley-Wilmot, Sir S, An Admiral's Memories, Sampson Low, Marston & Co, London

Lubbock, B, The Log of Cutty Sark, Brown, Son & Ferguson, Glasgow, 1924.

Chatterton, K, The Brotherhood of the Sea, Longman's Green and Co Ltd, London 1927.

Whall, W. B, The Romance of Navigation, Robert M. McBride & Co, New York, 1926.

Andrews, G. W, Seamarks and Landmarks, Ernest Benn Limited, London, 1927.

Hayes, Sir B, Hull Down, Cassell and Company Ltd, London, 1925.

Hough, R, The Great Admirals, William Morrow and Co, New York

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