Harcroft House Sale
Live Auction, 18 November 2019
Session One
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Valentine Mitchell, London, 1957
and various books of similar interest, including Biographies and Autobiographies
Collison-Morley, L, The Story of the Sforzas, George Routledge & Sons Ltd, London, 1933.
Osipov, K, Alexander Suvorov, Hutchinson & Co, Ltd, London
John, Duke of Bedford, A Silver-Plated Spoon, Cassell and Co Ltd, London,1959.
Cohen, L, Lady de Rothschild and Her Daughters 1821-1931, John Murray, London, 1935.
Ludwig, E, Goethe, GP Putnam’s Sons, London, 1928.
Zweig, S, Marie Antoinette, Cassell and Co Ltd, London, 1933.
Mitford, N, Madame de Pompadour, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1954.
Coulter, S, Damned Shall Be Desire, Jonathan Cape, London, 1958.
Bolitho, H, Marie Tempest, Cobden-Sanderson, London, 1936.
Cooper, D, Haig, Faber and Faber Ltd, London, 1935.
Dunbar, J, Flora Robson, George G Harrap & Co Ltd, London, 1960.
Battiscombe, G, Queen Alexandra, Constable & Co Ltd, London, 1969.
Chernow, R, The Warburgs, Chatto & Windus, London, 1993.
McClintock, M. H, The Queen Thanks Sir Howard, John Murray, London, 1945.
Lilly, D, Those Fabulous Greeks, W. H. Allen, London, 1971.
Bower, T, Tiny Rowland, Heinemann, London, 1933.
Lawrence, T. E, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, Jonathan Cape, London, 1935.
Churchill, V, All My Sins Remembered, Heinemann, London, 1964.
Creston, D, The Regent and His Daughter, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London, 1943.
Wierzynski, C, The Life and Death of Chopin, Cassell and Co Ltd, London, 1951.
Castelot, A, Marie Antoinette, Valentine Mitchell, London, 1957.
Sorenson, T, Kennedy, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1965.
Ong Siew Im, P, Blood and the Soil, Times Books International, Singapore, 1995.
Hatton, R, Louis XIV and His World, Thames and Hudson, London, 1972.
Wood, C, The Man Who Killed Kitchener, William Faro Inc, New York, 1932.
Dubos, R. J, Louis Pasteur, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1951.
Van Doren, C, Benjamin Franklin, The Viking Press, New York, 1938.
Menuhin, Y, Yehudi Menuhin Unfinished Journey, Mcdonald and Jane’s, London, 1977.
Barnard, C; Pepper, C. B, Christiaan Barnard One Life, Howard Timmins, Cape Town, 1969.
Lord Home, The Way the Wind Blows, William Collins Sons & Co Ltd., London, 1976.
Knef, H, The Gift Horse, Andre Deutsch, London, 1971.
The Bob Connolly Story, Howard B. Timmins, Cape Town
Marsh, M, Racing with the Gods, Pelham Books, London, 1968.
Rubinstein, H, My Life for Beauty, The Bodley Head, London, 1965.
Varè, D, Laughing Diplomat, John Murray, London, 1938.
Leeson, N, Rogue Trader, Little, Brown and Co, London, 1996.
The Memoirs of Aga Khan, Cassell and Co Ltd, London, 1954.
Wright, P, Spy Catcher, William Heinemann, Australia, 1987.
Cloete, S, A Victorian Son, William Collins and Sons Ltd, London, 1972.
Beaumont, J. C. H, Ships and People, Geoffrey Bles, London
Giblet, Q, Fun was my Living, Hutchinson & Co Ltd, London, 1970.
Lord Mackintosh of Halifax, By Faith and Work, Hutchinson & Co Ltd, London, 1966.
Rampa, T. L, The Third Eye, Secker and Warburg, London, 1956.
Slater, J, Return to Go, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1977.
Grattidge, Captain H, Captain of the Queens, Oldbourne Press, London
Kyle, C, American Sniper, Harper, New York, 2014.
Long, B. K, Drummond Chaplin, Oxford University Press, London, 1941.
Cloete, S, African Portraits, Collins, London, 1946.
Henrey, R, The Little Madeleine, J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd, London, 1951.
Mosley, L, Curzon, Longmans, Green & Co, London, 1960
Tatlock, M.; Sainthill, L, Churchill, Hutchinson, London
Ferrier, N, Churchill The Man of The Century, Pictorial Biography, L.T.A. Robinson Limited, London
Rowse, A. L, The Later Churchills, Macmillan & Co Ltd, London, 1958.
Soames, M, Clementine Churchill, Cassill, 1979.
Manchester, W, The Last Lion, 1874 Visions of Glory 1932, London, 1983.
Churchill, W. S, The History of The English Speaking Peoples: The Birth of Britain, Cassell & Company Ltd, London, 1958.
Churchill, W. S, The History of The English Speaking Peoples: The New World, Cassell & Company Ltd, London, 1958.
Churchill, W. S, The History of The English Speaking Peoples: The Age of Revolution, Cassell & Company Ltd, London, 1958.
Churchill, W. S, The History of The English Speaking Peoples: The Great Democracies, Cassell & Company Ltd, London, 1958,
Churchill: The Walk with Destiny, Hutchinson of London, London
Churchill, W, Step by Step: 1936-1939, Thornton Butterworth Ltd, London, 1939