The Andrew Newall Collection of Weapons and The Vyvyan Myerson Collection of Cut-Steel and Cutlery
Online-Only Auction, 6 - 18 October 2021
Session One
Lot Estimate
ZAR 5 000 - 7 000
About this Item
An Arabian Jambiya, late 19th century
the horn hilt with plain and embossed silver decoration, the blade of standard form, the scabbard with embossed silver, flat wire and chain decoration, the blade 18,2cm long; another, circa 1900, the hilt with plain silver and embossed gilt bands, the blade of standard form, the leather scabbard with silver and gilt embossing and flat gilt wire decoration, the blade 17,2cm long; and another, late 19th century, the horn hilt with embossed silver band, the blade of standard form, the scabbard with embossed silver band and flat wire decoration, the blade 16cm long
*This lot is not suitable for export