The Andrew Newall Collection of Weapons and The Vyvyan Myerson Collection of Cut-Steel and Cutlery
Online-Only Auction, 6 - 18 October 2021
Session One
Lot Estimate
ZAR 6 000 - 8 000
About this Item
A small carved wooden Boer War Prisoner of War frame
carved with eight hearts highlighted in red, with written inscription to the reverse Gemaak deur OUPA CFS van Rensburg 1899-1902 in die Konsentrasie kamp Reneskoers, Johannesberg, 24,9 by 20cm; four horn Boer War Prisoner of War serviette rings, each engraved CEYLON DIYATAIWA 1901, and another wooden example engraved CEYLON 1902, 5,4cm diameter; an attractive two-section bone brooch, possibly made by a Boer War Prisoner of War, carved to the front with four birds, a heart and Moeder, to a red ground, 4,2cm wide; a carved wooden dibber, with metal spike, carved L. BEUKES GEBO 23 JAN 1888-24 JUNIE 1933, 14,4cm long; and an interesting large format photograph of a Pickering's Redoubt, Kimberley Mine (Town Guard), 27by 36cm
*This lot is not suitable for export