The Andrew Newall Collection of Weapons and The Vyvyan Myerson Collection of Cut-Steel and Cutlery
Online-Only Auction, 6 - 18 October 2021
Session One
Lot Estimate
ZAR 3 000 - 4 000
About this Item
A George III silver tea caddy spoon, Edward Mayfield, London, 1801
with engraved terminal, 7,2cm long, 10g; a French silver medicine spoon, mid 18th century, each hammered bowl with engraved stem centred by a flowerhead, 15g, 12cm long; a gilt-lattin and enamel spoon, apparently unmarked, 19th century, the wrythen stem applied with a serpent, later Mercury terminal, with pear-shaped enamel bowl, 15,5cm long; and a enamel and gilt-metal knife, 19th century, with scimitar blade and foliate blue enamel handle, with Bacchus terminal, 21,5cm long
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