Woven Legacies: Innovation & Tradition
Timed Online Auction, 2 - 24 February 2025
Tradition & Innovation
About this Item
Gcinani Duma is one of the Master Weavers of the Threads of Africa Project, a collaboration with the Mdukatshani Development Trust, based in the Thukela Valley of KwaZulu Natal. The project aims to promote the centuries-old African practice of metal work in a contemporary context - giving light to the painstaking art of basket weaving with metals. As put by David John Moon 'an experienced weaver may progress less than one centimetre a day, depending on the intricacy of the design and the size of the bowl. The correct tension is vital to ensure balance and proportion, and is complicated by the fact that each metal has a different density, even if the wire is the same thickness.' 1
1 David John Moon, (2011) The Earth is Watching Us: Threads of Africa, page 11.
1 David John Moon, (2011) The Earth is Watching Us: Threads of Africa, page 11.