From the Professor Jan K Coetzee Collection
Live Virtual Auction, 9 November 2021
From the Professor Jan K Coetzee Collection
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Stanley Nkosi studied with Cecil Skotnes and also at the Academy of Arts run by Peter Haden in Johannesburg. He attended the London School of Art for a few months and held an exhibition in London in April 1974, which was featured on British TV. The former British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan met the artist and acquired two of his pieces. This lead to further press coverage and sales, including to Diana Ross. In 1974, Nkosi won the annual 'Young and Promising British Artists Competition' in Bournemouth, UK. During that year, he also travelled to the United States and Canada. In 1978, he held an exhibition in Atlanta, as a result of winning an art competition in Oklahoma. In 1979, he won 1st prize in the Wildlife of the World Competition in Oklahoma. Early in 1980, he showed at the Black Heritage Exhibition held at the University of Nebraska, where he was awarded the 'Best Artist' trophy. At that time he also presided over art classes at the Jewish Community Centre in Omaha. He was instrumental in the creation of the Katlehong Art Society in South Africa.