Archived: Alexis Preller leads Strauss & Co 2019 upcoming Johannesburg sale

Two important works by Alexis Preller painted twenty years apart – one a gripping self-portrait from 1950, the other an enigmatic visualization of the mythical Greek god of the sea produced in 1970 – are among the outstanding lots by this acclaimed artist to go under the hammer at Strauss & Co’s forthcoming live sale in Johannesburg, to be held at the Wanderers Club on 4 June.

Archived: Strauss & Co 2019 winter sale shines a spotlight on abstraction

Brave collectors with an eye for opportunity and future growth should consider the strong offering of abstract works gathered by Strauss & Co for inclusion in its forthcoming live sale in Johannesburg. Artists representative of all the major styles and schools associated with the post-war uptake of abstraction in South Africa are represented in this sale, due to be held at the Wanderers Club on 4 June.