Archived: Stern’s Island Reveries

Irma Stern is known to have visited Madeira on several occasions, sometimes on extended stays of a few months and at other times probably for a day or two as the Portuguese archipelago that lies about 500 kilometres west of Morocco, was a frequent port of call for ships sailing between Africa and Europe. In 1955 Stern visited Europe to exhibit in Germany once more and also travelled to Turkey. Its likely that she would have called in at Madeira en route.

Archived: Strauss Online: Time-limited auction sales exclusively online

With the exponential growth in online transactions, virtual shopping has become increasingly prevalent in contemporary society. The inevitable development of online auctions has consequently followed suit. Not to be confused with online bidding (which simply refers to placing bids on lots during live, physical auctions via the internet), online-only auctions are virtual auction sales conducted exclusively on the internet.