Wine Producers

Value your Wine?Do you know the value of your Wine?



Pieter Walser is one of the world’s most innovative winemakers and produces some of South Africa’s most coveted wines that you’ve probably never tasted. Pieter crafts unique wine blends, picking about 35 grape varieties from 60 vineyards around the Cape. Each bottling is a unique and delicious snapshot of the vintage and vineyards and expresses BLANKbottle’s one-of-a-kind vinous vision. Each wine is bottled and labelled according to the story behind it and half will never make a re-appearance. The main aim of BLANKbottle wines is to provide an honest, personal taste with no preconceived expectations that come with certain vintages or styles.

We have not offered any works by Blankbottle at auction

Please contact us if you have any further enquiries.