Start Your Unique Wishlist

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Track and receive notifications on artists, makers, designers, producers and item categories you love.

You need to be logged into your Strauss & Co profile to create a Wishlist. If you do not have a profile with us, please create one by selecting the Sign Up option on our website. Once you are logged on, navigate to your profile in the top right corner and select Your Wishlists in the menu, or, click here.

Name your Wishlist with something descriptive. You can then select the initial steps of criteria, for example, artist name, new maker, new producer or item category.

Once you have selected New Artist as a criteria, select the artist you are looking for from the dropdown list and click Add. Next to the artist’s name, you will find a down arrow, with options to refine your search. Select metatags relating to the subject matter that interests you, and a value range to assist in refining your search. Once you have selected all the criteria you wish, you can select Create this Wishlist.

Once you have selected New Item Category as a criteria, select the department you are looking for from the dropdown list and click Add. Next to the artist’s name, you will find a down arrow, with options to refine your search. Select metatags relating to the subject matter that interests you, and a value range to assist in refining your search. Once you have selected all the criteria you wish, you can select Create this Wishlist.

Once you have selected Maker or Designer as a criteria, select the Maker or Designer you are looking for from the dropdown list and click Add. Next to the artist’s name, you will find a down arrow, with options to refine your search. Select metatags relating to the subject matter that interests you, and a value range to assist in refining your search. Once you have selected all the criteria you wish, you can select Create this Wishlist.

Navigate to your profile on the Strauss & Co website and select the Your Wishlists option on the lefthand menu. You will be able to see all of your Wishlists and select the edit or delete options where applicable.

You will receive an email per auction with all the lots that meet the criteria of your Wishlist when the sales are available on the Website.